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Nutritional food and vital nourishment

By Deborah Casey 20/10/2022

The Hebrew Scriptures indicate the root of good health when we are informed;

"Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you, it shall be for meat," states the verse. That means ​herbs and their seeds​, such as coriander and dill, as well as ​fruits, nuts, grains, legumes and other seeds​".

Furthering this biblical approach to good health Daniel provides us with a version of fasting; when enslaved in Babylonia Daniel, and his three friends, declined fine wine and delicacies and opted for a diet of ​vegetables and water​ instead. The four men ate this simple diet for ten days and thereafter were found to have improved health and vitality. Daniel continued this nutritional application for three years. Many now use this Scriptural-based ​Daniel Diet​ as a 21 day fast but includes legumes, fruits, nuts, grains and seeds.

Lastly, in relation to the Hebrew texts, many herbs are mentioned. These are both dietary and medicinal.

  • Anise:​ supports good digestion, anti-flatulence and respiratory issues, including COPD.

  • Coriander:​ packed with minerals, this herb delivers manganese, magnesium and iron, along with vitamin C, vitamin K, protein and fibre. This herb has anti-inflammatory properties and support the management of cholesterol levels.

  • ​Cinnamon balk:​ this herb was more precious than gold in the ancient world. Modern times it is renowned for managing blood glucose levels, yeast infections and digestive upset such as flatulence.

  • ​Cumin:​ this herb is a primary flavouring ingredient in Israeli cooking. This herb is said to pack anticancer phytochemicals and blood-sugar-lowering properties into its tiny seeds.

  • Dill:​ packed with nutritious vitamins A, C, B6, calcium, folate, manganese and iron in abundance. This herb is a favourite of Middle Eastern cooking and aids digestion, useful for lowering high blood pressure, calming and anti-bacterial; modern science has now shown it has cancer-fighting properties.

  • ​Garlic:​ Not only does the bulb fight illness-causing bacteria, viruses and fungi, but it's also a tonic for the cardiovascular system and has cancer-fighting benefits. However it is vital to consider what Dr Robert (Bob) Beck informs about garlic - the killing of brain cells!

  • ​Mint:​ a wonderful herb to soothe digestion, relieve blocked gases, eases headaches and menstrual cramps.

  • ​Mustard:​ a warming herb, must has been found to be beneficial in the fight against cancer.

  • ​Saffron:​ the most expensive of the biblical spices, saffron has been used for yellow dye as well as flavour. This herb promotes a feeling of fullness, aids the relief of depression and have properties, and shows promise, in fighting breast cancer.

There are many ways to improve nutritional intake. Simply adding in fruit, herbs and vegetables each day. Learning about, and growing your own herbs, salads, berries or other foods favoured, to include in meals, boosts intake of nourishment. Switching from factory processed foods and meals to home-made, hand-made meals brings more focused attention to your food and nutritional intake.

Avoiding Genetically modified organisms, hidden in many foods, and soon becoming widely available as farming is being eradicated around the world, is going to create a challenge to accessing natural, organic foods.

Growing your own food, using organic methods, will go some way to providing access to daily delights. It is possible to grow simple greens on windowsills - mustards, chards, spinach, lettuces and herbs such as basil, chives, thyme and mint are easy to grow in deeper pots placed in plastic propagators for watering purposes.

Free range hens provide wonderful eggs for to give protein into the diet. It is possible to learn how to rear and care for hens through online searching. These latter activities can promote the mind and restore emotional well-being, however, may require challenging authorities!!!

Fats are also essential to good well-being. Fats include those animal fats that have been demonised by the food industry who has promoted and marketed a high carbohydrate (bread, pasta, flour) diet! Animals, butter, cheese, etc, free roaming, and enjoying unsprayed grasses and other foods, provide fats that the body does require for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and to aid the building and repair of neurological structures.

To conclude, the Hebrew texts provides a foundation of nutrition for good health. A good diet includes access to organically, home grown, foods. Including proteins - nuts, meat, eggs and fats, provides the body with everything for great health and vitality. The book of Daniel provides a grounding of fasting to promote good health.

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